Upper volta 1951
Upper volta 1951

upper volta 1951

In the case of several new and sizeable refugee problems, reception countries have evidenced a liberal admission policy, and it is important that a similar approach be adopted in respect of individual refugees.Ĥ. The fact remains, however, that refugees in quest of asylum sometimes face major problems, at least in certain countries. These measures are invaluable, because they facilitate effective implementation by national authorities of the provisions of international instruments relating to refugee rights. In the past three years the principles relating to asylum and non-refoulement to the country of origin have been further strengthened through the adoption of legislative and administrative measures by several countries. Whereas in acme instances remedial action could be taken, in others the refugee had already been refused admission or had been returned against his will to his country of origin.ģ. On a number of occasions the UNHCR Representative on the spot, the Director of the Protection Division and in some cases the High Commissioner himself have had to intervene with the authorities concerned. Refusal of admission at the frontier, rejection, expulsion, or any other measure which compels a refugee to return to, or remain in, the country where he fears persecution can have the most grave consequences for the refugee and his family and sometimes can make the difference between life and death. The High Commissioner has continued to pay special attention to this fundamental aspect of the protection of refugees. At its twenty-fourth session the Executive Committee urged that liberal and uniform asylum practices should be followed and that the principle of "non-refoulement" should be strictly applied. Specific decisions affecting the status of refugees in a number of countries are summarized in Annex I.Ģ.

upper volta 1951

Developments which have occurred since then are mentioned as appropriate in this Note, the main purpose of which is, however, to indicate certain more general and long-term trends and also to consider some special aspects of International Protection. The principal developments in the field of International Protection for the period from 1 April 1973 to 31 March 1974 are given in the High Commissioner's Report to the General Assembly at its Twenty-eighth Session (document A/9012).

Upper volta 1951